
Safer Healthier Communities

As a social worker, I understand how important it is that we have safe and healthy communities. I have worked with law enforcement to foster safer interactions between law enforcement and youth.I have worked to promote common sense gun safety laws that keep law enforcement and our families safer. Additionally, we must take mental and physical health issues more seriously, fighting for accessible and affordable healthcare. 

Defending Democratic Rights

The attacks on Ohio’s democracy must be stopped. In 2023, we saw the supermajority put a special August election on the ballot in an attempt to rig democracy in their favor. This cost taxpayers millions of dollars. I am vehemently opposed to voter suppression, gerrymandering, and anti-democratic tactics. I am a strong supporter of voting rights, and will work with colleagues on both sides of the aisle to ensure that every Ohioan has their voice heard in the ballot box.

Bodily Autonomy

In 2023, Ohio said we respect a woman’s right to choose. Reproductive rights are under attack, and I will defend them. Our current state house is promoting bill after bill trying to chip away at reproductive rights. Recently, we have seen extreme legislation come through the state house targeting LGBTQ+ children. I believe that the legislature should focus more on doing their jobs, and less on bullying LGBTQ+ children. Simply put, the government has no place in our bedrooms or our doctors offices. 

Public Education

As a proud mother of three amazing children who went through our outstanding public school system, I am a strong supporter of public education. Public schools are being defunded by extremists who would rather send our tax dollars to private schools. If elected, I will work to advocate for public education, teachers, parents, and students.

Common Sense

Ohio does not need another extreme candidate who is primarily focused on hot button issues. If elected, I promise to NOT waste taxpayer dollars with multi-million dollar special elections and random extremist bills. My focus is on making Ohio a better place for families, and fighting for cleaner, safer, and healthier communities.

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